Page 8 - Zetor 5011- 7045
P. 8


             The present  List of Spare Parts  has been compiled  for tractors ZetorSOl'l  -   Zetor  7045  UBK, in order  to get  a correct sur'
             way bf      and  áifferent spare  parts  of a||  tractor modeIs thus ensuring  the economy  in ordering  spare  parts.
             The contents  on the beginning  of the List  of Spare Parts  seÍves  Íor  an easier  identification  oí  parts.  According  to-the  place  of
                                                                      of it,  i.e. to íind  out its  i||ustration,  wording
             the  part  in question  in t-he  gro-up  it is easy  to carry  out  a correct  identiíication   The
             together with  part  numbers of spare  parts  are  arranged aócording  to the items  quoted  in respective  íigures.
             The column  (1)  means Figure  nunrber  {Fig.  No.);
             The column  (2)  means ltem;
             The column  (3)  means  Designation  of the  paÍu
             The column  (4}  means Part  numbeřs  (order  Nos.}.
       t     A.  far  as on some line is the mark  X  besides thb  part  nr,rmber, it nreans that  the respective  spare  part  has been suspended
             íor this tractor mode|.
             lÍ the  part  is designed  by *in the  wording, it means  that the  part  is not de|ivererd os an independent  spare  part.
             lf the part  or an assembly is designed by *, it means that such a part  or assembly  are delivered  as optional  only (on  the
             base of a special request  of the customeÍ}'
             As far  as is besicies the number  of  pieces  the mark,  *,  **,.,  -then  a note is  mentioned on the end  of the  group.
             Part  designatecl by ND  will  be not  assembled but  remains  as spare  part  for  tractors  of particular  production  numbers.
            '  ln case that  the  part  Íespective  is not assemb|ed on a particular  tractor  type.  then  the column  of the tractor type  in  question
             is  crossed.
             |n case that in the designation  oí the group  is mentioned  the type oÍ tractor,  it means  that this  group is assembled  on|y  at  .
             the mentioned tractor  type.
             Twelve-positional  order  numbers,  pertaining  to order numbers with the prenumber  93,  97 and 99 are mentioned  in the in-
             BK   --  safety cab  -   LETOSTROJ,  Letovice         I
             UBK  -   saÍetv cab  VLAD, Prešov
             The base  oÍ  illustration is Íormed by spare  parts  for zetor 7011 tractors. Spare  parts  which  differ and are important  in their
             Íunction or are oÍ another shape,  are mentioned  too.
             Such  spare  parts  as standardized  ones or parts  of the same shape but of different  size, have  their  diÍferences mentiol]ed  on-
             |y in the text. The  top  corner  of each  figure bears  the nu|nber of the respective  gÍoup  as  well as the number of the figuÍe.
             For repairs  be sure to use only  genuine  original  spare  parts  for tractors Zetor  501 1  -   27045 UBK. Special attention  should
       .     be  paid  to orders oí spare  parts.
             To prevent  unnecessary  misunderstanding and  time losses be sure to  quole  the  following data  in  your  spare  parts  order:
             (1)  Precise  address  oÍ the  ordering  party, post  ofÍice and rai|Way station.
             (2)  Precise  designdtion oÍ  the  pařt  in  question  and  both order Nos.
             (3)  The required  quantity  oÍ spare  parts'
             (4)  The seria|  number oí the tractor as stamped  on its identiý p|ate p|aced  on the LH side oÍ the bonnet under the dash.
              (5}  WaY oí'dispatch.

              Attention !

              The  oresent  List  of Spare Parts serves  to  all owners of tractois;
              Zetor 501 1  {rom  the  serial  number'1001  to the serial  number 18532
              zetor  6011  z 6045 from the  seíia| numbeÍ  1001  to the  serial  number 11878
              Zetor  7011  ZiA45 from the serial number 1001 to the  serial number  38786

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